Building and Adding a Runnable Spark Distrib
If you’re interested in running a version of Spark that is not yet available as a runnable distribution on their site, you can do the following to build your own runnable distribution and incorporate it into your build.sbt
First, clone the Apache Spark repo and checkout a branch at your target release’s commit. You can find Spark release tags here.
git clone
cd spark
git checkout -b branch-name tag-name
Run the make-distribution script to build the runnable distribution. More details about how to do that are available here but if you don’t mind building all modules, do the following:
./dev/ --name spark-vX.X.X --tgz
Now, in your project’s root dir ($PROJECT_ROOT
) you’ll create a directory to hold the jars you just built. By default, sbt
will look for a lib
directory and add that to the classpath. At this point you can simply move your jars to your project’s lib
dir and you should be good to go. sbt
should be able to resolve all dependencies successfully.
mkdir $PROJECT_ROOT/lib && mv dist/jars/* $PROJECT_ROOT/lib
You can however, add your own custom named directory and use that instead.
mkdir $PROJECT_ROOT/my_fav_jars && mv dist/jars/* $PROJECT_ROOT/my_fav_jars
To change the directory that jars are stored in, add the following line to your build.sbt
unmanagedBase := baseDirectory.value / "my_fav_jars"
Recompile, and go!